Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Odds & Ends

On the ride to work tonight, just after sunset, I spotted comet McNaught just a few degrees above the horizon - the brightest object in the sky. I was able to keep it in view for most of the 20 minute drive until a bank of light cloud obscured it. Thanks Michelle for the heads up.

On arriving here I was shocked and saddened to hear that one of our former clients had died after going back to using. His mother called to inform us and to thank the staff for their efforts. I had spent quite a lot of time talking with him during his stays with us and had been in contact with him at the long term facility that he went on to from here. He apparently was unable to lose the obsession; he lost his life when he o.d.'d and his heart failed. Just 38. I'm going to miss him.

Little sister Linda is off on yet another holiday come morning, this time to Cuba. Her timing isn't the greatest as Castro's health is reportedly failing fast. I wouldn't want to be on the island to see what happens in the aftermath of his death. There will be prayers flying for both of them - for Linda's safe return and Fidel's quick passage into the next plane. Lynda and I will take turns checking in on Mom while Linda is away; or maybe I should just go and stay there a few days??

Daughter Sarah emailed today to say that she'd landed in the emerg dept last night and was treated for severe dehydration as a result her inability to ingest anything and keep it down during this early stage of pregnancy. I've heard of some women having problems with morning sickness but never anything to this extent. They gave her fluids via I.V. and different meds for nausea.

JPW - if you should stop by this space - I ran into your friend Ann at the GSR meeting Sunday; she asked me to say hi and also to remind you about the meeting on the island Tuesday night. Try giving me a call after the alumni meeting and we'll catch up - George will be on with me.

This is likely to be a looooonngg night as I spent a number of hours in bed today but had, at best, 2 hours of broken sleep throughout. I'm looking forward to crash & burn time come morning. That said, I'd best finish my work before I don't feel like doing it.

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