Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hurry Up -- Relax!

Just kidding. It's been awhile since I worked one of these Saturday day/overnight shifts and I'd forgotten just how busy they can be sometimes. There are times when everything goes smoothly and quietly. Then there are days like today..... so I'm taking a few minutes to myself while the guys are at an outside meeting to regroup.

Saturdays are visiting day; often it's a chance for the guys to share an hour or two with their sweeties and kids and all is smiles and laughter. Today...not so much. I ran a meeting with the house population this morning and ever since I feel like I've been running about the house stamping out little fires. Conflicts between guys, mediating between husband and wife, smoothing things between clients and their grown I have to be prepared in case anything happened while they were out. I'm glad most of them had good visits.

I get to sleep over, run a counsellors meeting and then leave around 9. There's an AA committee meeting to attend from 1:30 til 3. Then I have to be back here for my usual rotation of night shifts by 7.

On the homefront; we had a real estate agent over late Friday to give us a valuation of the house. That was an emotional smack in the face when the agent went to leave; such a feeling of finality. We're hoping to have another opinion Sunday, Monday or Tuesday; then choose the agent. Price it reasonably, don't get greedy, sell quickly and get on with life. Cut and run. Deal with the feelings later.

I'm already thinking of how I want to organize the space I move into - now I just need the space.
Wish me luck.


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