Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A Housing Update

Finally, some good news. The mortgage broker contacted me today just after I got up and told me we can just squeak this through providing I meet a couple of criteria. He's even waiving his fee in order to make it happen. The kindnesses I receive from strangers baffles and amazes me. Remember the real estate agent who let us out of our listing? I got straight on the phone and we're meeting Tuesday afternoon so I can sign her to represent me. She deserves something out of this mish-mash of dealings.

Still I went ahead and checked out the apartment in that century home. The place was nice and clean but small. It would be okay as a transition but not big enough for the long term. I'd have to replace my bed with a single in order to fit in a dresser and there is just one small clothes closet. I loved the ground floor which is all office space. Glazed and stained glass windows; 10 inch oak moldings at the baseboard and around the ceilings; beautifully carved around the doorways. Ten and twelve foot ceilings. I'd give my eye teeth to have that place. The building and property are likely worth about $600,000 - just a little out of my league.

Lynda has been feeling off physically for the last week or so. There's a virus that's been running through the hospital and it seems she's got it. A rarity for her to be sick. It seems to be having an emotional impact, too. She was flat today, not at all herself. My energy is coming back finally - I'm taking care of my diet and getting what rest I can. I'm also making more of an effort to stay connected whether it be by phone, email or internet with the people I care most about. It's helping. I do need to touch base with the kids tonight though and see what is going on with them. We had a call from Sarah on Saturday that has caused us to be concerned so it's time for a check-in. Russ is an independent cuss and rarely calls (though he's been better lately).

Gotta go; more later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for good news! :) I'm glad things are working out.

5:56 PM, May 01, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

Amen, sister. Amen!

7:57 PM, May 01, 2007  

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