Sunday, October 21, 2007

Same Book.....

....just closing this chapter.

There are still details to be worked out Monday regarding this change in jobs but essentially once I complete my shift tonight, this part of the story is over. So I find myself casting about the residence making sure all the duties have been done to my satisfaction and collecting whatever possessions and resources I have scattered around. Because I'm moving into a Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 type job I'll have little opportunity to come back here. I'll miss this place and the people I work with here. It has been my second home; they have been my brothers and sisters.

This week marks two years since I began doing the night shift and each week I worked we have gone out to 5 area meetings. One of the unexpected side benefits of that is the friendships that have grown at each of those meeting places. I could name some names but to you they would only be names; to me they are faces and personal histories and struggles and triumphs, walking talking miracles. We are a community within our society who support one another in our common goals; sobriety, sanity, service and serenity.

In a strange series of coincidences at each meeting this week I was asked to participate in one way or another, to do a reading, interpret the slogans and tonight I was asked at the last minute to speak by my friend Cindy. So, in service, I was able to relate what brought me to the rooms, what was key in recovery and what life is like now living a recovering life. Public speaking isn't my strong suit as being the focus of attention is one of my biggest ongoing fears......but through regular confrontation of that fear things are getting better. In light of the fact that I'm thoroughly fatigued I didn't feel I did the best of jobs but I gave the best talk I could come up with.

This has been quite a week. Mom and I have spoken on the phone a couple of times and I told her I love her; she loves me too. Sarah, Daniel and I talked the other night and I was able to congratulate him on a significant achievement. Sarah held the phone up to Zeph so I could hear him gooing and cooing over the long distance line. I told Sarah I love her; she loves me too. I spent whatever time I could with Lynda and told her I love her. She won't admit it in words very often but I can tell by her actions she loves me too. She holds me, hugs me, kisses me and wishes me good night when I leave for work. I helped a sponsee with some step work and didn't tell him I love him - I did tell him I greatly admired his dedication and tireless efforts in his bid to recover. He's building himself a terrific foundation at quite a pace. He flies north today. My 'relapsing' friend came over for a couple of hours today; we drank a lot of coffee, smoked a bunch of cigarettes and talk, talk, talked until I had to boot him out so I could come to work. He has arrested his relapse and is 3 days sober now. He's my friend. I was able to help a counsellor through the initial shock of losing his mother suddenly. Another friend. I relinquished this job for the opportunity to try another.

Where is this going; what is it I have to say?

My life is rich and I'm grateful. I'm blessed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What will be will be. You will be just fine my friend. Congrats again!
Let us know how things go.

9:27 PM, October 21, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

J - I will be in touch; keep checking this space.

11:07 AM, October 22, 2007  

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