A Day At The Beach.....
A look back the way I'd come; toward the pier and harbour area. Those domes are for storing the salt and sand mixture that is spread on the roads prior to and during snow storms. On the right side of this shot you can see some lake effect snow showers sweeping in.
An ice bridge at the waters edge. Unfortunate about the angle of the lighting..... and look at those crazy Canada geese floating out there. I'd perish in about 10 seconds in that water.
This is looking due south down the length of a man made look-out pod that juts into the lake. 25 or 30 miles across the lake is Rochester, New York. Hellooooooo!
This walk took just about 20 minutes and was perhaps a kilometer long but by the time I made it back to the car my eyes and nose were streaming, ears blazing red and damn near frozen off, chest heaving from gulping the cold air. If only the wind hadn't picked up... if I'd worn a hat and gloves..... it wouldn't have been as invigorating. Nice to be out and about enjoying the day - I'm ALIVE!!
It's time for something savoury for supper.
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