Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Playing Catch Up...

Geez - past, present, future.... at work and away.

Past - The last couple of days have been a blur getting used to daytime sorts of things again - always throws me off rearranging my schedule to so-called normal. Lots of mundane running around town and work on the home front.

Present - Good news!! My boss acted on my suggestion and is putting me into the daytime rotation once again to fill in for a counsellor who will be off for a while. An indeterminate amount of time. Woo-Hoo!! Hallelujah!!

Future - That work starts tomorrow and it is the shortest of the rotations - just Thursday and Friday - and then the usual 3 day rotation next week, mid-week.


Blogger Kel said...

great news
getting back into "normal" zone

3:41 AM, June 05, 2008  
Blogger Norm said...

Ha, Ha.... it takes me a while to get the hang of normal but I sure am willing to give it a try.

6:39 AM, June 05, 2008  

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