The bottom shot is Freedom meandering back to the house after having been called inside. I suppose you'd call that 'resistant obedience' - I don't want to come in but I will if you insist on it.
Hard to believe both shots are taken from the same vantage point - the bottom one is just zoomed in a little. Is it any wonder that I much prefer summer?
If anyone is having trouble posting comments here would you email me at
Gracias, N.
I'm kinda partial to the winter shot, but it's HOT here right now. I also have the opposite of SAD. The heat of summer and all that light are depressing for me. I know that's strange, but I've always been that way. I burn to a crisp in the sun. Maybe that's why. I don't get outdoors much when it's summertime hot.
My comments always go to moderation so I assume they'll wait until you get around to 'em to post. In other words, I don't know if there's any trouble with them posting or not.
Thanks Robin - I had thought Blogger may have been messing up again.
I'm not self diagnosing but I'm beginning to think I might have SAD. Once the nice colourful fall weather is over my moods shift and I don't really feel 'on' again until April or May. Now with the long days and heat, I'm in my glory even though I don't take the sun well either - I burn.
Also, as I'm so damned skinny, I freeze all winter and hate being layered up all the time.
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