Monday, July 23, 2007

How Is Life??....

.....well, as usual, it's pretty complicated. No surprise there, huh?

I had last week off work and my time was split between working at sorting out the townhouse (washing walls and floors, vacuuming, sorting and filing papers) and spending time with Lynda at 'the house' or going out shopping together for stuff we need for either place. We had a couple of evenings off during the week but mainly we were together when Lynda wasn't working.

She and I have been getting on terrifically well except for a blow out Saturday night that could have derailed everything we've been working toward this last month. There were lines being drawn in the sand and ultimatums stated but we managed to cut through the junk to the heart of the matter. After the anger and some tears and talking out all the angles we went to bed exhausted. We made up when we got up.

There were a couple of side issues that sandbagged us, too, catching us off guard - a certain sibling of mine is acting up and being a class 'A' jerk. I'm looking forward to a face-to-face later today; I don't have much mind left to spare but I'm willing to give him a piece of mine.

I had two days last week waiting around for the cable guy to hook up the internet; on his first visit he had trouble with the modem and told me before leaving that it may take a couple of hours to 'lock in' and be operable. Yeah, right. When I called through to arrange another visit it was late and of course there weren't any appointments open for Thursday. On his second visit, Friday afternoon, we found a splitter / signal amplifier hidden on the line in the rafters that was interfering with the connection. Within minutes of removing it I was on-line and he was on his way once more. It's funny how I've grown used to having that connection and how strange it feels not having it.

I'd had a call to come work a day shift on Friday and was able to do a half day in order to run a morning meeting with the guys inhouse. There have been some dramatic improvements in a couple of the sickest guys I mentioned about 10 days ago - the psychoses are evaporating and they're more grounded by the day.

It's already two weeks since I moved and I thought I'd be settled by now. Through this week I'll continue to work away at it on an hour by hour basis before coming to work. There isn't a great deal left to do so if I apply myself (and stop getting distracted and buying more stuff) I should be in good shape by the weekend.


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