Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Madness Continues...

All the agony and upset of Friday night spilled over and carried into Saturday. All I can be thankful for is that it isn't my upset. I walked into a mess Friday night and it seemed I was going round putting out fires and defusing conflicts forever. Things would settle, there would be a lull, then flare up again.

Issues have a life of their own when people won't let them go and stop talking endlessly about them. As soon as the guys were up for the day things heated up again and one guy was discharged for instigating and intimidation. Another self-discharged because he couldn't handle the pressure the ongoing situation was causing him.

When I arrived tonight we decided to hold the guys back from going to their outside meeting and I lead a meeting where the major players in the drama had an opportunity to present their views. It was important that they report only on their part, their words and actions. No interruptions, no cross talk, no accusations. Once they had their say the rest of the house let them know how they had been affected by the conflict. I offered a synopsis, some alternate perspective and suggestions for resolution, then opened the floor again for more discussion. We ran overtime but apologies were made and accepted, hands shaken and peace made. I hope it holds.

It's very unusual for these divisive situations to arise and last for any length of time. They normally flare up and get resolved as quickly as they begin. It certainly shifts the focus away from recovery.

A little full moon fever, perhaps?


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