Wednesday, August 01, 2007

On The Run

Here's a shot I recieved from Sarah this morning which was taken last week, at the 37 week mark. She looks good - healthy and so very pregnant!!! Won't be long now!! I wish I'd been out there for all this but pictures and phone calls have to do.

Lynda kick-started me early this a.m. so I was up, out and doing before it got too, too hot. In this part of the country you need a vehicle emissions test every couple of years in order to renew your driving license. I had the test done by 9 and the renewal done at the license bureau by 9:30. In the 'old' days when I first started driving everyone had to renew by a certain date - I think the end of March - so during those six weeks of availability you'd face enormous line-ups in lousy weather. Now it's tied to the period leading up to your birthdate and it's relatively quick.

From there I headed to the local Sears store and happened to enter by the appliance section. I had a look at the vacuums and the sales gal asked if I needed help. Yeah, just looking at what's good and CHEAP. The light bulb came on and she said, "We have a couple of ends-of-lines that have huge markdowns, I'll go get them." I came away with a $250 vacuum for $50 - beautiful! Then I indulged in something I hate but really needed to do; buy some clothes for work. More sales! A pair of dress pants and 3 shirts for less than $40.

A quick meal, back home, assembled the vacuum and I've hung one (count it - one) picture. God, I'm good. I should be set up here by Christmas. Terry has been in and out here playing with the common internet connection through to his place and seems to have things sorted out.

Cousin BJ shared a local news article about a retired MD who was going to do a parachute jump for charity but the idea was vetoed at the last moment and he was grounded. Ahhh, memories!!! I'd do that again in a heartbeat if it was guaranteed I wouldn't get hurt again. Seems there's a cost to everything.


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